
We have a network of professionals and support staff on which to call that will provide expertise in any area of administration, operations, business, finance, human relations, curriculum or instruction

Client List

  • Aiken County
  • Allendale County
  • Anderson 3
  • Anderson 4
  • Barnwell 19 and 29
  • Cherokee County
  • Chester County
  • Chesterfield County
  • Darlington County
  • Greenville County
  • Greenwood 52
  • Laurens 55
  • Laurens 56
  • Lexington 2
  • Lexington 3
  • Marlboro County
  • McCormick County
  • Newberry County Schools
  • Old English Districts (9 Districts)
  • Orangeburg 3
  • Spartanburg District 1
  • Spartanburg District 2
  • Spartanburg District 3
  • Spartanburg District 4
  • Union County
  • WPEC Districts (12 Districts)
  • The John de la Howe School of Agriculture